Yearly Archives: 2024

Gut Health Matters: Tackling Constipation Naturally

By |2024-07-13T18:29:45-06:00July 13th, 2024|Categories: Health and Wellness|Tags: |

When the going gets hard, we experience constipation. Although it’s not a fun subject, it’s one of the most common gastrointestinal complaints seen in healthcare practices. We may all experience constipation at some point in time, and certain conditions make it more likely to occur. In fact, after the age of 60 about 33% of people [...]

The Connection Between Chronic Inflammation and Aging

By |2024-07-13T18:24:17-06:00July 13th, 2024|Categories: Health and Wellness|Tags: , , |

Aging is an inevitable process that everyone eventually faces. While we cannot halt the progression of time, we can mitigate its effects on our bodies by reducing inflammation.  Research suggests that inflammation is a strong contributor to many age-related illnesses.  Experts have coined the term “inflamm-aging” to describe how chronic inflammation accelerates the aging process, impacting [...]

Autoimmune Disease: Genetics vs. Environment

By |2024-06-20T18:12:17-06:00June 20th, 2024|Categories: Health and Wellness|Tags: |

Research shows that autoimmune diseases are on the rise, yet there is still a great deal that we don’t know about their immunological basis. While most scientists point to both genetic and environmental factors as potential causes, much uncertainty remains. Autoimmune diseases occur when the body’s immune system turns against itself. Rather than defending against harmful [...]

Foods For Fueling a Healthier Tomorrow

By |2024-06-20T17:57:33-06:00June 20th, 2024|Categories: Health and Wellness|Tags: |

The internet is jam-packed with nutrition information - much of it contradictory, some of it confusing, and a lot of it hard to follow. It can be difficult to know the best approach, but studies show that we may have uncovered a framework for longevity based on studies of populations with unusually long and productive lifespans. [...]

Understanding the Impact of Screen Time

By |2024-05-26T19:16:40-06:00May 16th, 2024|Categories: Health and Wellness|Tags: |

In today’s increasingly online world, electronics play a huge role in our everyday lives. From Zoom meetings to scrolling through news and social media feeds, the average North American spends around 6 hours looking at a screen per day! However, excessive screen time can have major repercussions on our health, including sleep, eye health, and overall [...]

Insights Into Low Estrogen

By |2024-05-26T19:25:39-06:00May 16th, 2024|Categories: Health and Wellness|Tags: |

The hormone estrogen plays an important role in many aspects of your health, from energy levels to cholesterol, mood to bone strength, and much more. Because of its broad range of functions in your body, declining estrogen levels can have a profound impact on your overall well-being. Unfortunately, estrogen levels are sensitive to change, particularly as [...]

CCA Northern Alberta — Optimum Wellness Integrated Clinic

By |2024-05-14T14:38:53-06:00May 14th, 2024|Categories: Clinic Updates|

Optimum Wellness Integrated Clinic, located in Edmonton, has established itself as an exemplary award-winning business in healthcare. With over 20 years of dedicated service, the clinic, led by the distinguished Dr. A.J. DeNault ND, seamlessly integrates naturopathic medicine (NDs), conventional medicine (NPs) with Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM doctors). This unique approach has earned the clinic the [...]

Strategies to Tackle Hormone Changes Head-On

By |2024-04-27T10:49:40-06:00April 27th, 2024|Categories: Health and Wellness|Tags: |

At every stage of life, your hormones play an important role in controlling what happens in your body. Hormone levels have a profound impact on your health, and many physiologic functions require a delicate balance when it comes to hormone levels. But, it’s said that time changes everything, and that certainly applies to hormones. In our [...]

Natural Spring Cleaning for a Fresh Start

By |2024-04-27T10:53:31-06:00April 17th, 2024|Categories: Health and Wellness|Tags: |

With spring in the air, now is the perfect time to give your home a refresh. However, the last thing we want to do is to load our homes and bodies with the toxic chemicals found in so many conventional cleaning products! If you are motivated to clean and declutter this spring while steering clear of [...]

Digestion Dilemma: The Reasons You’re Not Feeling Your Best

By |2024-03-07T18:01:43-06:00March 7th, 2024|Categories: Health and Wellness|Tags: |

A well-functioning digestive system is essential for overall well-being, as it breaks down food into vital nutrients that fuel energy, growth, cellular repair, and more! When your digestion is functioning optimally, you may not even think twice about it. However, when issues arise, they can have widespread effects on your overall well-being. Poor digestion can manifest [...]

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