At OWIC we believe that the moment you are diagnosed with cancer a new chapter in your life begins. Undergoing active treatment for your diagnosis is just the beginning of your journey. Conventional therapies, such as: surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy, are instrumental in fighting cancer. However, they also affect healthy cells and unavoidably impact your overall health. Conventional treatments also rely on an individual to stay healthy enough to receive these therapies. In these instances, we may see it most beneficial to help support our patient’s overall health during active therapy. We individualize treatment plans using different modalities to strengthen to body. These therapies may create an inhospitable environment for cancer to grow as well as to strengthen the body so that conventional treatments are more effective and produce less side effects. Our goal is for you to maintain your health while you undergo treatment and to come out of treatment even healthier than when you started it. Â
What comes after treatment is just as, if not a more important part of your journey. The next part is termed cancer survivorship and encompasses recovering from your diagnosis, recovering from the treatment you underwent, and preventing any cancer from recurring as well as new, secondary cancers, from developing. While this may seem daunting, we want to re-frame this situation as a chance to empower you to take control of your health. Many of the therapies we offer at OWIC may help reduce the long-term side effects of conventional therapy and cancer. This can include symptoms such as neuropathy, pain, inflammation, impaired immune function, anxiety and more.
Cancer survivors are at risk for cancer returning as well as new cancer from developing. Research has shown that factors such as nutrition, obesity, exercise, sleep, stress, inflammation, hormonal imbalance, insulin resistance and exposure to environmental toxicants can impact their risk of cancer recurring and of secondary cancer from forming. We educate our patients on the lifestyle factors that could be impacting their health and give them the necessary tools to make lifestyle changes that will lead to overall improved health.
Some of the therapies we commonly use to help support our patients during active treatment:
- IV therapies
- Nutrition and lifestyle therapiesÂ
- Targeted supplementationÂ
- AcupunctureÂ
- Anti-inflammatory therapiesÂ
- Metabolic therapiesÂ
- Immune support therapies
Some of the therapies we offer to help our patients recover:
- Detoxification strategiesÂ
- Nutrition and lifestyle therapiesÂ
- Targeted supplementationÂ
- IV therapyÂ
- Acupuncture
- Chelation therapy
Obesity and Breast Cancer Prognosis: Evidence, Challenges, and Opportunities
Visceral adiposity increases the risk of breast cancer: a case-control study
Suppressive Effects of Tea Catechins on Breast Cancer
Physical activity and survival after breast cancer diagnosis
Physical activity and survival after diagnosis of invasive breast cancer
Stress and relapse of breast cancer
Postdiagnosis C-Reactive Protein and Breast Cancer Survivorship: Findings from the WHEL Study