Accurate and appropriate testing is essential in determining health status as well as determining the underlying cause of disease and dysfunction.At the Optimum Wellness Integrated Clinic, we pride ourselves in offering our patients a more comprehensive selection of lab testing. Below is a list of laboratory testing offered at our clinic which can be used to help determine the source of illness and guide treatment decisions.
This test measures levels of selected vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other essential micronutrients inside white blood cells. It identifies deficiencies and provides intracellular concentrations of the various nutrients tested. Deficiencies may be a result of: arthritis, cancer, cardiovascular risk, diabetes, various immunological disorders, metabolic disorders, nutrient deficiencies. Measuring and correcting vitamin deficiencies is essential for patients concerned with wellness and anti-aging.
Five hormones make up the Female Panel: Estradiol, Progesterone, Progesterone to Estradiol Ratio, Testosterone and Cortisol. Interactions between these hormones are fundamental to health and, as a consequence, imbalances may negatively impact health. Saliva hormone testing is very accurate for uncovering hormone imbalances. Once a hormone imbalance has been uncovered, nutritional or bio-identical hormone therapy can be instituted.
Four hormones make up the Male Panel: testosterone, estradiol, DHEA-S and cortisol. Interactions between these hormones are fundamental to health and as a consequence, imbalances may negatively impact health. Progesterone levels are generally not useful in men, although if men are exposed to progesterone cream through skin to skin transfer from a partner, there can be significant accumulation and testosterone deficiency symptoms may ensue. Saliva hormone testing is very accurate for uncovering hormone imbalances. Once a hormone imbalance has been uncovered, nutritional or bio-identical hormone therapy can be instituted.
This test is important for people who may be experiencing food intolerances or allergies and want to know which foods are involved and whether these food reactions may be contributing to their various body symptoms or immune system dysfunction.
Common everyday problems like migraines, aching joints, fatigue, gastrointestinal disorders, eczema, hyperactivity, ADD, asthma and even obesity have been linked to food sensitivity and chronic activation of the immune system.
Two of the antibodies involved in allergic reactions are immunoglobulin E (IgE) and immunoglobulin G (IgG). IgE production occurs right after ingestion or inhalation of an allergen and is referred to as a Type I immediate hypersensitivity reaction. IgG antibodies are produced for several hours or days after exposure to an allergen and are called Type III delayed hypersensitivity reactions. This allergy serum test evaluates for immediate or delayed reaction to food allergens through IgE and IgG respectively. IgG can be done via a blood spot, while IgE testing requires a blood draw.
Common everyday problems like general headaches, migraines, aching joints, fatigue, eczema, runny and itchy eyes, runny nose, sinus congestion, chest congestion, asthma have been linked to environmental sensitivity and chronic activation of the immune system.
This allergy serum test evaluates for immediate or delayed reaction to environmental allergens through IgE and IgG respectively and requires a blood draw. Common inhalant allergies (IgG, IgE) may include: grasses, molds, trees, weeds and airborne indoor particles.
Symptoms of excessive levels of these chemicals include steroid hormone and endocrine system function disruption, early childhood developmental disruption, impaired male reproductive development, increased prostate mass, endometriosis, obesity and oxidative cellular DNA stress. Higher levels of these chemicals can also increase the incidence of heart disease, diabetes, liver degeneration, and even some cancers.
Fungi are able to grow on almost any surface, especially if the environment is warm and wet. Inner wall materials of buildings, wallpaper, fiber glass insulation, ceiling tiles, and gypsum support are all good surfaces for fungi to colonize. These fungi then release mycotoxins into the environment causing symptoms of many different chronic diseases. Diseases and symptoms linked to mycotoxin exposure include fever, pneumonia-like symptoms, heart disease, rheumatic disease, asthma,sinusitis, cancer, memory loss, vision loss, chronic fatigue, skin rashes, depression, ADHD, anxiety,and liver damage. With the MycoTOX Profile test, mycotoxin exposures can be identified which then allows recommendations for detoxification treatments that have been found to be effective.
Analysis of the levels of toxic metals in urine after the administration of a metal detoxification agent is the “most accurate” objective way to evaluate the accumulation of toxic metals. This test is used to assess chronic, low-level exposure to toxic metals that can result in significant retention in the body that can be associated with a vast array of adverse health effects and chronic disease. It can also be used to assess acute exposure.
Toxic elements (such as lead, mercury or arsenic) concentrate in soft tissue rather than blood or urine, so hair analysis is uniquely suited for measuring toxic elements. Elemental analysis also provides information on the absorption and assimilation of nutritionally important elements (e.g. iron, copper), making it useful for assessing nutrient deficiencies and imbalances as well.
This panel is important for people who want to know whether they may have physiological imbalances, causal factors, trigger symptoms or hidden risk factors that may contribute to excessive intestinal permeability, which is often referred to as Leaky Gut Syndrome.
An overload of antibody-allergen complexes can cause inflammation in the lining of the digestive tract, and this inflammation can cause the digestive tract to be more porous (or to “leak) to various food proteins. A leaky gut then allows more antibody-allergen complexes to escape into the blood stream which then can settle into tissues, and then can provoke more food allergies, or can worsen auto-immune issues. Therefore, anyone with leaky gut (excessive intestinal permeability)should consider being tested for food allergies and anyone with significant food allergies may need to be treated for the leaky gut syndrome
This test is important for people who want to know whether their various body symptoms or bowel complaints are linked to various pathogens.
This test measures the status of beneficial and imbalanced commensal bacteria, yeast/fungus and parasites. Precise identification of pathogenic species and susceptibility testing greatly facilitates selection of the most appropriate pharmaceutical or natural treatment agents.
Standard cholesterol tests provide an estimation of the cholesterol contained in lipoproteins. In contrast, the LPP directly measures the quantity and size of lipoproteins in serum. This includes lipoproteins identified as risk factors by the NCEP (National Cholesterol Education Program): HDL2b, VLDL, lipoprotein-a, remnant lipoprotein (RLP). Standard cholesterol tests give an incomplete picture, leaving many people with seemingly “normal” cholesterol numbers unaware of their true heart attack risk. This panel assesses hidden risk factors, giving health providers valuable information needed to make more effective treatment decisions.
This blood test uses the “latest technology” to measure the most current markers for Lyme disease including Western Blot IgG, Western Blot IgM, Lyme IFA, PCR Serum, and Whole Blood PCR.
Unlike this comprehensive panel, routine lab work often fails to produce a positive identification for Lyme’s disease, since this condition is a multi-phasic condition that is always changing and difficult to identify.
Many chronic symptoms and diseases share a common cause. They can begin from imbalances in the body’s messengers, the neurotransmitters and hormones. Imbalances in neurotransmitters and hormones can lead to: weight gain, fatigue, anxiety, poor sleep patterns, menopausal symptoms, depression, etc. This new specialized tests measures many of the body’s neurotransmitters and hormones.
Thyroid Comprehensive “blood” testing.
We offer a comprehensive {blood} thyroid testing which looks at 8 markers of thyroid health. This includes Thyroid stimulating hormone(TSH), Free T3(FT3), Free T4(FT4), TotaIT4(TT4),Reverse T3(rT3), Antibodies to Thyroglobulin(Anti-TG), Antibodies to Thyroperoxidase(Anti-TPO), Thyroglobulin(Tg) and Thyroid Binding Globulin(TBG).
Reverse T3(rT3)”blood”testing.
Additionally, we offer the Reverse T3 (rT3) by itself. This test is no longer available through Alberta provincial labs but is offered at Optimum Wellness Integrated Clinic.
Thyroid “urine” testing.
This test measures unconjugated free triiodothyronine(T3), unconjugated free thyroxine(T4) andselenium in a 24 hour urine collection. There are several reasons why a urinary thyroid assessment may be beneficial including cardiovascular disease. weight gain, fatigue, skin/hair/musculoskeletal problems, depression, headaches. constipation, cold intolerance, etc. Note: The Urinary Thyroid Assessment does not replace serum testing in the diagnosis of thyroid illness it is meant to assist clinicians in the evaluation of patients whose clinical presentation is not readily explainable by measurement of serum thyroid parameters alone
Thyroid Iodine Testing
This test is important for people who want to know whether their various body symptoms maybe related to thyroid dysfunction when regular thyroid blood test do not find any discrepancies. Hormones produced by the thyroid gland are involved in regulating heart rate, body temperature.blood pressure. and weight. Thyroid hormones can also increase energy, help food move through the gastrointestinal tract and increase perspiration. Given their broad effects, deficiencies of thyroid hormone can result in a number of health conditions including: depression, fatigue. coldness, arthritis and muscle cramps. headaches. weight gain and poor reflexes. This test measures whether the body has enough iodine available to the thyroid for proper thyroid hormone production
The information obtained from these tests can be of great assistance to the health practitioner in determining further testing and treatment. General lab testing may include: complete blood count (CBC), lipids (cholesterol), blood glucose, iron levels, and so on.