
  • Is a major building block of bone and teeth formation and maintenance 

  • Essential in muscle contraction and nerve conduction

  • Deficiency leads to osteopenia and eventually osteoporosis. Can also lead to muscle cramping and nerve conduction problems 

  • Increased calcium can help treat hypertension and hyperlipidemia 

  • High calcium intake is associated with reduced risk of colorectal cancer


  • Potassium is the most abundant intracellular electrolyte in the body.

  • Due to the standard American diet it is common to not receive enough potassium through diet alone. 

  • Deficiency of potassium can cause fatigue, weakness, neuropathy, depression, constipation, fatigue, insomnia, mental impairment, low blood pressure, heart palpitations and much more. 

  • Potassium helps control cardiovascular function, neurological function, gastrointestinal function, muscle contraction, acid-base balance and much more.


  • Zinc is one the 24 micronutrients essential for survival. Zinc is easily lost through sweating and so many active individuals are deficient in it

  • Zinc is essential in numerous enzymatic reactions, is a vital component of the immune system and is involved in multiple hormonal pathways such as thyroid and testosterone production 

  • Deficiencies as associated with a weakened immune system, low testosterone and depression 

  • Supplementing with zinc has been found to improve blood glucose, insulin sensitivity, decrease inflammation and provide numerous other benefits 

  • Supplementation of zinc has been found to enhance the immune system and can help treat viral and bacterial infections 


  • Selenium is a trace mineral that is a cofactor for the bodies antioxidant system. It is an essential component to protecting the body from oxidative stress 

  • Selenium plays an important role in cardiovascular health, reproduction, mental health, and numerous other bodily process 

  • Selenium is an essential component to thyroid health and is needed in the conversion of T4 to T3 

  • Selenium plays an important role in both the immune system and inflammation.

  • Supplementation with selenium may play a role in the prevention of multiple different types of cancer.


  • Iron is one of the minerals your body needs to function properly.

  • Iron is required to produce hemoglobin and myoglobin. Hemoglobin is a protein in your red blood cells and it helps your blood carry oxygen from your lungs to the rest of your body. Myoglobin is a protein in your muscles which helps supply oxygen to the cells in your muscles.

  • Without enough iron, the body can’t make enough of these proteins, and then cannot make enough red blood cells. This can cause iron-deficiency anemia.

  • Not enough iron can be caused by loss of blood, by having issues with absorbing iron or by having an iron deficient diet. 

  • Supplementation of iron can be done by taking oral supplements or by receiving iron IVs. For people who cannot tolerate oral iron, or who cannot adequately absorb oral iron, iron IVs is the only other option to help regain a healthy level of iron. Iron injections are no longer administered in Canada.

  • Symptoms of low iron include: fatigue, dizziness, headache, chest pain, fast heartbeat, pale skin, feeling cold, restless legs, and frequent infections.


  • Is the second most prevalent electrolyte in the body and helps maintain fluid balance

  • Is a mineral cofactor that influences over 300 enzymatic systems in the body including energy production 

  • Deficiencies are common due to our soil being depleted of magnesium 

  • Deficiency can lead to muscle cramps, depression, insomnia, fatigue, asthma, arrhythmias, increased blood pressure, constipation and reduced insulin sensitivity 

  • Decreases blood pressure in patients with mild to severe hypertension 

  • Improves insulin sensitivity, reduces blood glucose, insulin, and lowers HbA1c in both diabetic and non-diabetic patients 

  • May improve bone mineral density, improve sleep and lower inflammation

Vitamin B5 (Both IV & IM injection)

  • Vitamin B5 is a B vitamin that is involved in the formation of Co-enzyme A. Co-enzyme A is involved in 4% of all enzymatic reaction in the body and is vital to the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats 

  • Vitamin B5 is also involved in the regulation of cholesterol, steroid hormones, neurotransmitters and epithelial function

Vitamin B6 (Both IV & IM injection)

  • Vitamin B6 is a cofactor in over 100 enzymes in the body. It is needed for the synthesis of amino acids, glucose from glycogen, vitamin B3, neurotransmitters, hemoglobin and for the development of lymphocytes 

  • Deficiency of vitamin B6 can cause acne, eczema, fatigue, anxiety, depression, confusion, seizures and neuropathy 

Vitamin B12 (Both IV & IM injection)

  • Vitamin B12 is an essential water-soluble vitamin found in mainly animal based foods. Due to having a compromised GI system many people have problems with absorbing Vitamin B12 through food and oral supplementation. Intravenous and intramuscular administration of Vitamin B12 avoids these issues

  • A deficiency of vitamin B12 can cause a broad range of symptoms such as megaloblastic anemia, GI lesions, neurologic damage including neuropathy and neurodegenerative diseases, depression, impaired cognition and numerous other symptoms 

  • Vitamin B12 is a vital component in the production of DNA, methylation and energy metabolism 

  • Many common prescriptions, such as metformin, cause B12 deficiency. If you are on prescription medication you may have various vitamin/ mineral deficiencies. 

  • Vitamin B12 can be used to treat numerous conditions such as fatigue, depression, atherosclerosis, infertility, neuropathy, autoimmune disease and many more. 

Vitamin B complex (Both IV & IM injection)

  • B-complex contains thiamine (B1), riboflavin 5′-phopshate sodium (B2), niacinamide (B3), dexpanthenol (B5) and pyridoxine HCL (B6)

  • Thiamine helps with energy production and metabolism and helps with the functioning of the nerves, brain and heart 

  • Riboflavin is important in energy metabolism, in maintaining epithelial and mucosal health, and is an enzyme in multiple antioxidant systems 

  • Niacin is important in energy metabolism and in DNA repair and replication


  • Glutathione is one of the most important antioxidants in the human body. It is used by every single cell and tissue

  • Glutathione is poorly absorbed when administered orally and so IV administration provides the greatest benefits 

  • Glutathione is primarily synthesized in the liver. Supplementation with glutathione has been found to be hepatoprotective 

  • Glutathione is involved in a multitude of enzymatic reactions, prevention of oxidative damage, DNA synthesis and repair, protein synthesis, metabolism of toxins and carcinogens, immune system function and multiple other important functions 

  • Deficiencies in glutathione have been found to cause aging, macular degeneration, diabetes, lung and GI disorders, and neurodegenerative disorders 

Amino acids

  • At optimum wellness we offer a broad spectrum of amino acids to our patients. This includes infusions of all essential amino acids as well as single amino acids to benefit specific health conditions 

  • Amino acids play a vital role in human health and can be used as the building blocks of proteins, other biomolecules or can be used as an energy source.  

  • Supplemental amino acids may be beneficial in athletes, vegans, the elderly, those with low muscle mass and those suffering from malnourishment or cachexia. 

  • Lysine: may be used to treat viral infections, is important for collagen and carnitine formation and increases calcium absorption. 

  • Proline: is a building block of the protein collagen in tendons, bones, cartilage and skin, and of other proteins. 

  • Carnitine:  may be used to improve muscle mass, reduce symptoms of peripheral neuropathy, used to improve fat metabolism and used to improve symptoms in kidney failure.Â