Chelation Therapy is effective in that it is able “to grab” or “to bind” heavy metals such as mercury, lead, arsenic, and aluminum, to name a few, and remove them from the body.
In 2019 it was discovered that Canadian tap water contained high levels of lead. According to Health Canada and the World Health Organization (WHO), there is no safe level of lead exposure.
Individuals who live in areas abundant in industry, farming, and natural resource extraction, such as Alberta, may be exposed to higher levels of environmental toxicants. Exposure to these toxicants such as lead, mercury, and cadmium can cause a myriad of symptoms and diseases.
They do this by accumulating in the body and producing “free radicals”. Free radicals are molecules that are highly reactive and cause damage to your cells. Higher amounts of toxicants in the body tend to create more free radicals in the body which in turn are more likely to cause disease and dysfunction.
There is a way to test and assess the overall burden of these toxicants in the body. There is also a way to reduce the amount of many of these toxicants in the body. This can be done through a procedure known as chelation therapy.
About Us
Optimum Wellness Integrated clinic, under the direction of Dr. A.J. DeNault B.Sc. Pharmacy, ND, has been providing chelation therapy in the Edmonton area for over 15 years.
Optimum Wellness Integrated clinic has administered thousands of chelation IVs to patients with good results. We have one of the largest IV rooms in Western Canada.
Our IV room has a full nursing staff and is overseen by multiple naturopathic doctors. We also use infusion pumps to ensure the safety and efficacy of our treatments.
What is Chelation Therapy?
Exposure to toxicants in the environment, and even some medical treatments may cause harmful compounds to build up faster than the body can eliminate them. These compounds can accumulate in the body. They accumulate in certain tissues and the body’s detoxification systems cannot get rid of them, especially toxic heavy metals.
When these toxicants accumulate in high enough amounts they may cause health issues. Chelation therapy may be the only way to remove these toxic heavy metals from your body.
Chelation stems from a Greek word that means “to claw” or “to grab”. Chelation therapy involves the administration (either I.V. or oral) of compounds that bind to and remove toxic heavy metals, toxicants, and other undesirable compounds from the body.
Common chelating agents are EDTA and DMSA. Chelation can be used to remove many toxic heavy metals, some of which are: aluminum, arsenic, cadmium, lead, mercury, etc., from the body. Read more about Mercury Chelation.
Excess heavy metals are also known to cause neuro-degenerative diseases such as neuritis, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease and other diseases that plague modern mankind.
By removing heavy metals, free radical damage is significantly reduced or reversed.
One of the ultimate effects of chelation therapy is to restore the health of the arteries. This is obtained by the removal of the pathological heavy metals and the increased production of a naturally formed substance called nitric oxide.
Current research now validates nitric oxide as an endothelial-relaxing factor that relaxes the blood vessels, decreases the resistance to blood flow, and subsequently improves the delivery of oxygen and other vital nutrients that the vessels supply to the tissue.
Such effects are desirable in a majority of cardiovascular diseases.

Chelation therapy may benefit the following conditions:
Clinical studies performed by doctors performing I.V. Chelation Therapy have documented positive benefits in the treatment of the following disease processes:
What are toxic metals and where do they come from ?
Heavy metals such as lead, mercury, cadmium, aluminum, etc.. are toxic to the human body. Lead among other damaging effects, inactivates the vital enzymes upon which the body depends for many of its critical processes. Unfortunately high levels of lead may be found in our environment. Leaded gasoline from automobiles and from the oil and gas industry has spewed thousands of tons of lead into our atmosphere which is being breathed in or is gaining entry into our bodies through our food. It is estimated that most of us have a lead burden of 500 times that of our forefathers, much of it trapped in our bones and other tissue.
Mercury is even more toxic than lead and causes damage to the immune system. It is a common industrial waste in our water and it is also absorbed from our mercury amalgam fillings. Another source is excessive fish consumption. Read more on Mercury Chelation.
Aluminum has been found in toxic concentrations in the brains of people with Alzheimer’s disease. It is found in food cooked in aluminum pots, in underarm deodorants, in tap water in certain areas, in baking powder, and in some drugs and foods.
Cadmium comes from cigarette tobacco and car exhaust, arsenic from industrial pollution and wood preservatives, and so the list goes on.
Types of Chelating agents used:
More Information
Each patient is encouraged to read books on Chelation which are available at major bookstores or online. Our clinic carries copies of Forty Something Forever, A Consumer’s Guide to Chelation Therapy by Harold & Arline Brecher, and Bypassing Bypass Surgery by Elmer M Cranton, M.D.
Studies and articles
Benefits of EDTA Chelation Therapy in Arteriosclerosis: A Retrospective Study of 470 Patients
Chelation Therapy: Stepping Into the Next 60 Years: A Historical Commentary
Chelation therapy after the Trial to Assess Chelation Therapy: results of a unique trial
EDTA Chelation Therapy for the Treatment of Neurotoxicity
Rationale for the Successful Management of EDTA Chelation Therapy in Human Burden by Toxic Metals
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